Friday, December 25, 2009

Selamat Hari Nata (Indonesian for Merry Christmas)

As our family and friends gather in the early afternoon hours of Christmas Day, December 25th is coming to a close here in Indonesia. With 20 minutes left to go, I look back at what has been an interesting experience it has been to be on the other side of the world and south of the equator for a holiday like Christmas.

Technically, it's summer here. Granted, it's always summer here, temperature-wise. But for the southern part of the globe, Christmas is a summer holiday. In Bali, we traded white snow and freezing temperatures (who am I kidding? it doesn't snow in Atlanta for Christmas) for caramel sand and an ocean like bathwater. To be honest, we have to remind ourselves that when the weather report calls for 30 degree temperatures - they mean celsius, which is close to 90F. But we've eaten well and the Indonesian people have been great about wishing us Merry Christmas.

Jen and I went to Christmas Eve mass last night at a Catholic church on Bali (pictured). It was an interesting experience because... yep, you guessed it... once again it wasn't in English!!! Don't get me wrong, they had an English speaking service, but after 2 Sundays of Advent in Korean and Mandarin, why not add Indonesian as well? It was interesting, because despite the familiarity of the ritual, the music was traditional for this culture and added a little pinache. A little flair, if you will.

While eating well is a big part of Christmas (at least, for me it is), we miss those with whom we gather around a table more than anything. We've learned that it doesn't matter what part of the world you live in or what the temperature is outside, it's being with the ones you love that makes it feel like Christmas. To our family and friends from coast to coast and on every continent around the world - may your days be merry and bright... and may all your Christmases be white.

1 comment:

  1. Ha, this was what you were looking at when I was looking at two feet of snow on Christmas. Yeeesh!
