Friday, February 19, 2010

Exploring Singapore's Remaining Jungle

I talked to some co-workers about what to do over our long Chinese New Year weekend since most shops and restaurants are closed in celebration of the lunar new year. They sent me to the middle of the island to hike around the McRitchie Reservoir. It is Singapore's oldest reservoir - completed in 1868 to meet the demand for fresh water from the growing British settlement. The surrounding area is now protected forest land, so it's a great way to see what Singapore looked like before the city grew.

There is a great boardwalk that surrounds the reservoir that I walked around, and then I went into the jungle following the rocky trail up to the Tree Top Walk, a 250 meter aerial free standing suspension bridge spanning Bukit Peirce and Bukit Kalang which are the two highest points in MacRitchie. The bridge stands 25 meters at its highest point and offers amazing panoramic views of Upper Peirce Reservoir and the lush rainforest canopy.

After crossing the bridge, there is only one way back down to the reservoir park...1,000 wooden steps in total which is killer in the middle of a 10km hike! They built the wooden platform and steps to help protect the rainforest floor. However, along the way (thighs burning!), you can hear the peaceful sounds of the rainforest - exactly like the Brookstone CDs, but in real life! And all kinds of wildlife greets you - monkeys hanging from the trees and playing right next to you, lizards sticking their tongues out at you to check you out, turtles popping their heads up from the water and millions of brilliantly colored butterflies. All in all, it was a great way to spend a holiday!

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