Friday, February 12, 2010

Trip Home to ATL - First Niece

Matt and I left our adventure in Asia for a trip home to meet our new (and very first) niece - Catherine Anne Remenick! She arrived on January 3, 2010 (while Matt and I were flying back from Hong Kong and Macau).

We arrived in Atlanta on January 8 late in the evening so we went to see Cate the next day...when she was 6 days old. We both melted when we saw her - she's just so little and sweet. She makes all kinds of adorable noises when she's laying on you.

Julie and Brian are an awesome parent team - they switch off without even speaking. Julie holds Baby Cate while Brian stops for lunch, then Brian holds Cate while Julie eats...then one changes diapers while the other is getting her blanket to put her down, etc. They look like pro's almost immediately. It's very impressive! And so exciting to see my big sis as a Mom!! :)
Gracie wanted to get in the bottom picture, I think she's taking Cate's arrival the worst... the Vet told Julie and Brian that she's stressed out! She's been getting sick to her stomach a couple times a day... she was so use to being the only "child" in the Remenick household. But, by the time I left to come back to Singapore, Gracie was showing improvement! Everyone is getting into a routine.

1 comment:

  1. Jen... she is so precious! Congratulations and have a great time in Singapore!
